Sunday, March 6, 2011


"Aamra Bangali jati" - Everybody heard this hilarious bando-sangeet from Chandrabindoo. The song is a tremendous satire of Bong culture. Ok, we cannot agree to all the points raised in this song, but arguably it has addressed many serious issues in funny languages. We all know that, we all know what our drawbacks are and we're not very sad about that. Am I right? We're jealous, we're snobby, we're senti, then we're here happy living in our sacred kingdom. We just don't want to change ourselves. Because this is our character.
Bolo "joy Bangali thakbe tike bhate isobgule, joy joy boga joy".

It is quite a few years after independence. Once we're believed to be cultural superiors to the other people of India. We were much ahead of time when the Bengal Renaissance happened. A bunch of scholars, literary giants, journalists, patriotic orators, scientists, religious and social reformers had influenced the very basic day to day life of not only Bengalees but of entire India. It can be seen as the transition point from 'medieval' to the 'modern' era in India.

Yes, they've helped British to rule but also have opened the door to the eternal light to the ignorant countrymen. They've awakened a sleeping nation. They've taken active part in building our mind and soul. And, Yes, they were Bengali.

Wish we cannot forget the contribution of these great Bengalees.

My blog is a way of homage to these great people. I will post anything regarding Bengal and bengali people, anything that can be helpful to my bengali brothers and sisters.